That`s the least we would get when the UN allows Saudi to have a seat at the human rights council!

The International Community stands complicit with this awful so-called state!

Saudi Arabia Protests Inclusion Of Gay Rights In UN Development Agenda

Saudi Arabia is protesting any references to homosexuality in a sweeping new agenda for global development, saying it runs "counter to Islamic law."
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir told a U.N. summit of world leaders Sunday that "mentioning sex in the text, to us, means exactly male and female. Mentioning family means consisting of a married man and woman."
He asserted his country's right to not follow any rules that relate to any "deviations" from that belief as the world moves forward on the new development agenda.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

عن العنف الذي نتعرض له لمجرد كوننا مثليين من قبل الأفراد

«الإندبندنت»: الشرطة المصرية تصطاد المثليين عبر «جريندر»

استحالة العيش بسلام في هذه البلد كمثلي أو كشخص مختلف