Even if we dislike some of her dance moves and twerking and tongue stuck out in some of her photographs... I`d still respect her for expressing her beliefs proudly and trying to be someone to look out to!

I salute her audacity

As Miley Cyrus is working hard to advocate for sexuality and acceptance beyond the traditional boy-girl norms, she is revealing more and more about herself and her own journeys amidst the gender spectrum. 

In an interview with TIME to promote her #InstaPride campaign with Instagram to help share transgender and gender expansive stories, the pop star stated she doesn’t care for the labels boy or girl and identifies as gender fluid, even though that's not perfect either. 

Miley Cyrus Told Her Mom She Was Bisexual at 14

"I'm just equal," she said. "I'm just even. It has nothing to do with any parts of me or how I dress or how I look. It's literally just how I feel."

Cyrus has been sexually open and androgynous for years, she said, and was the person in Nashville growing up that other sexually curious teenage girls would go to: "They all wanted to experiment. I was always the one."

Over the past years, Cyrus has aggressively shed the clean-cut Disney image of Hannah Montana that first defined her with out there acts often described as antics. The nudity? The pasties? "I'm using it as a power stance," she said. "It's funny to see people try to look me in the eye."

Miley Cyrus & Instagram Launch #InstaPride to Help Share Transgender Stories

Cyrus speaks to her teenage rise to fame with some regret over referring to others to define who she should be and how she should present herself. Coming back from a summer hiatus from Hannah Montana with braces on, she recalled being told to get them off immediately because of how she looked. 

"If I was me now, I would have been like, 'F— you. Normal 14-year-olds have braces. I'm going to have braces on the show, so kids who have braces in real life know that’s okay,'" she said. "But I didn’t have that in my mind then. I was coming from Nashville. My grandma’s a beauty queen. I didn’t know."


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