Cautions pertaining to the recent US Supreme Court`s decision....

In our celebration and commemoration of the Supreme Court’s decision affirming the right to same-sex marriage across the United States, we must pay attention to the fact that State -Dictated marriage is not the utmost form of recognition of people`s identity and not the coronation of rights....There is nothing wrong about the celebration of this victory in particular, but i cant personally celebrate it while millions are deprived of the minimum and most simple rights in Egypt and the Middle East.... Love indeed has several forms and not only embraced through matrimony....why haven't we witnessed the same magnitude of celebrations and applause when other European countries such as Britain and France legalized same-sex marriage long before America did? It is the fact that the US rules everything.... I will only celebrate frantically when at least LGBT community is not persecuted or discriminated against in the Middle East, Africa, Muslim Countries and Russia. The whole international community has a duty to enforce the UN-adopted resolutions and do whatever it takes to guarantee the abolition of abuse and violation of sexual freedoms through pressure and other means of sanctions or whatever. However, one cannot deny that this is a well-deserved victory for the American Activists who long fought for this right and Obama is not be credited with this trophy nor the US Administration... I am so happy for those who chose marriage as a path but also standing with those who object marriage and embrace other forms of partnerships and civil unions. Indeed, this move could be a beginning for other countries to follow in the footsteps and embrace equality in all of its forms not just marriage. Marriage equality shall not be an excuse to exclude and reject those who are not pro-marriage and should not be used to stigmatize other LGBT members who are poly-amorous and accuse them of being promiscuous or perverts. Meow!

I find this article interesting and recommend you to read it!
""Some of us would not have chosen to put the marriage fight ahead of others, but none can deny that there has been a widespread hunger for this right...The gay movement has stood for valuing all families — including those led by single parents, those with adopted children, and other configurations. It has stood for other ideas, too, that risk being lost in this moment’s pro-family turn: that intimacy, domesticity and caretaking do not always come packaged together; that marriage should not be the only way to protect one’s children, property and health; that having a family shouldn’t be a requirement for full citizenship; and that conventional respectability shouldn’t be the only route to social acceptance."



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