been a long while... the events in the Middle East swept me off!

been a long while since  i posted my last blogspot in the end of December ... since day one in the year 2011, many incidents took place that didnt make me even have few minutes to write or update my blog due to my job which is related to covering these news.. i am just so excited about the spring of freedom that took the Middle East by storm and led to the ouster of some Arab Dictator rulers! 

now it is time for the ideological battle with Islamists!


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

عن العنف الذي نتعرض له لمجرد كوننا مثليين من قبل الأفراد

«الإندبندنت»: الشرطة المصرية تصطاد المثليين عبر «جريندر»

A feature that honors those who dared to undergo sex reassignment surgery in the Middle East