street fascism


Yes, it is fascism … I shall not generalize and say that all Egyptian men (those unemployed who hang out in Café late at night and those informers who wander the streets looking for any prey to control or arrest are backward and bullies) but me and two male friends and two female friends experienced a bad situation, sitting in one of those Cafés late at night in downtown, Cafés were mixing is socially accepted and allowed, women sit there freely and smoke Shishah and stuff, while we were discussing an important topic on judgmental people, and how you could be judged just because you look or dress different, all of a sudden we saw a (15 years old guy that we don’t know walking helpless in front of the Café followed by a group of guys chasing and harassing him calling him names, just because he was wearing something that looked strange to them , they gave themselves the right to call him a “faggot” , pardon me but they literally called him a faggot, he didn’t give a damn and didn’t turn around or respond to them, the matter that seemed to provoke them more, they wanted to prove that they are superior and more masculine, so one muscular guy of these bullies grabbed the little boy and slapped him on the face!!! We were shocked that they beat the hell out of him in the presence of two informers and they stood still watching those guys beating the little guy just because he looked “Gay” to them, so my female friend and one of our male friends interceded trying to save the little guy from these wild masculine want to be macho guys hands as the guy was crying and screaming for help , as this friend of mine tried to intercede and stop those bullies, one of them slapped him on the face and told him , are you gay too? So my female friend yelled at the informers and told them to fulfill their duties and stop this mess, telling him I am from a human rights organization and this thing is unacceptable, he was like we don’t care about human rights workers and tried to arrest the victim and  stopped our friend who was trying to save the little boy, so we were like oh! This is unfair you have to arrest those who showed hostility and started the fight, this guy is helpless at the end who took everyone to the police station , where the guys made peace and everyone was released by the end of the night.

The thing that made us on the verge of breaking down is that no one from those sitting or working in the Café tried to help, and one of them told us why you guys would try to help such a gay boy? We were like, excuse me, no one deserves to be beaten or humiliated this way because of his style of clothes or sexuality even if he was a criminal law shall be enforced and not the laws of  the streets!! The informers told us the same.. This showed how homophobic one can get in Egypt. The thing is this guy was walking on his own, didn’t harass anyone or show any kind of indecency. When is this society is ever going to change? If the guy looked normal to them ,everyone would have helped him, but this guy was looked down upon by everyone and his right to  walk freely in the streets was starkly flagrantly violated, just like any other girl that gets sexually harassed by any of those sick molesters.


  1. i am fed up ya shayma i have no idea.. it is a sensitive issue most organization shy away from it or it is rare for them to address it....


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