London and Cairo!

Perception of my trip to London
Posted on سبتمبر 7, 2010 by fightingforfreedom80s

Banks and institutions in Canary Wharf Area in London

When my airplane Landed in Heathrew, i felt excited to experience being in a totally different country to where i live, and it felt quite amazing for me to notice how diverse and Cosmopolitan the Capital of the UK is. i came to London to Participate in a training Programme for Journalists, in a very well Renowned media foundation, and by night, when i took the tube all the way down to Central London, i realized that this city can be a quite cosmo spot that proves to the whole world how people can be ( tolerant, diverse, open-minded, and multicultural)..Everything here is Organized transportation, and information is widely and easily accessed on the internet, for every place you need to go, it is not as polluted as Cairo, It has a lot of entertaining venues, and personal freedom is achieved there.

this could be Judgemental, but in Egypt, there is a certain degree of tolerance, but not as much as in London, many foreigner communities live in Egypt, but yet the country needs a long way to go in achieving Multiculturalism , and respect for personal freedoms , respecting others` choices in their lifestyle, religion, and everything else. In Cairo, it is not that bad, but still people can judge you just because of your behavior, clothing , religious or sexual or political tendencies, and yet the law still needs amendments in order to fulfill the conception of a civil state, which exists partially.

some groups are still calling for Civil Marriage for instance, the thing that might be fulfilled here in the UK, but there in Cairo, law leaves it up for Religious Institutions to endorse your marriage, such as denying any marriage that does not comply with the Sharia (Islamic Law or the Church laws). People in Egypt call for Democracy, while some lack awareness of Democracy and acceptance of others who might be different to them in terms of beliefs, and behavior.

i have to say that i am enjoying my time in this Foggy City, and i can wake up early in the morning, active and in a good mood and ready to take a long walk , unlike in Cairo.

i just hope that Egypt or the whole region (Middle East) can fulfill the principle of multiculturalism and respecting other people`s choices in life just like here. .though there are some positives in where i come from, but still , it used to be so much better, open society and cosmopolitan until the 70s, then Conservativeness started to prevail since then, turning the society into a religious one, and the majority started to reject Secularism , while the ruling regime did not take any steps in raising awareness on Secularism , and the principle of a civil state , though the regime is not theocratic.


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