
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠١٥

Congratulations to the Nepalese LGBT community....took the right step...hopefully the rest follow in the footstep

Nepal becomes first Asian country to include non-discriminatory laws for LGBT community SPEED NEWS DESK lately, there have been a lot of negative news related to Nepal's first federal constitution surfacing in the media. However, in an outstanding move, the country has added strict anti-discrimination laws for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) community, and has granted them equal rights. With this, Nepal has become the first ever Asian country and third country in the world after South Africa and Ecuador to have explicit laws benefiting the LGBT community. A Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Global report has highlighted the articles added to the constitution : Article 12  states that citizens will be allowed to choose their preferred gender identity on their citizenship document. The choices available are male, female or other. Article 18  states that gender and sexual minorities will not be discriminated against by the State and by the judiciary i...

Sex workers' rights: mapping policy around the world.....Published by the Guardian

http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/sep/15/laws-against-sex-workers-can-a-map-help-to-move-the-discussion-forward?CMP=share_btn_tw The creator of a global map of  sex work law  hopes the new tool will help tackle decades of myths and misinformation A map that brings together all the laws relating to sex work around the globe has been a long time coming. After decades of working on sex work issues, I have for some time been frustrated at the lack of accurate and accessible information about laws and policies governing how sex is bought and sold across the world. Without this it is impossible to fully understand how these laws impact on human rights, economic outcomes, gender-based violence, public health or human trafficking. In other words, we can not enable sex workers to live and work safely. Unsurprisingly, without the correct information, myths abound and debates become polarised. This was illustrated by the recent reactions t...

هاني شاخخ وارتداء قناع الفضيلة المزيف فاشية فنية وثقافية في مجتمع مزدوج ومعرص

قمة التخلف كنا ناقصينك انت كمان هو الناس لما بتكبر وشهرتها بتقل بتتجنن ايش دخله بحرية المغني او المغنية الشخصية وبيتدخل ليه في اختيار الجمهور يشوف او يسمع ايه يعني هي حال الموسيقى والثقافة عاجبه فكرة فرض اخلاق او عادات على المجتمع والوصاية عليه انقرضت من الكون الا في الدول المتخلفة المكبوتة ال الفنان  هاني شاكر  ، نقيب الموسيقيين، إن قراره بإلزام الفنانين بارتداء ملابس غير فاضحة ومحتشمة، هدفه الحفاظ على الآداب العامة، مضيفا: «مصر مش محتاجه  الغناء  باللحم خلال الفترة المقبلة، شبعنا لحمة السنين اللى فاتت، ومجبش الفن للوراء إلا الغناء بالجسد». أخبار متعلقة هاني شاكر: بدأنا تطبيق قرار إيقاف مطربات العُرى ولن نتراجع عنه هاني شاكر يسجل أغنية «حق الحق» عن الطفل السوري الشرقية يُهدي درع النادي للفنان هاني شاكر وأضاف «شاكر»، في مكالمة هاتفية مع الإعلامي جابر القرموطي، في برنامج «مانشيت»، المذاع على قناة «أون تي في»، «أعتقد أن اللي بعمله ده مطلب عادل للشعب المصري». وأضاف: «المادة 61 من قانون  نقابة الموسيقيين  رقم 35 لس...

The U.S. two-faced dirty policies in the Middle East....

I fully agree with this incredible and well-written article published by one of the commentators of the British Guardian! Enjoy reading! Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq Seumas Milne: "The sectarian terror group won’t be defeated by the western states that incubated it in the first place" The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting. The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead withthe trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive suppor...