A documentary that features a number of prominent Egyptian female activists about feminism ...your film , your call

 Here is a trailer for an  Independent  documentary that features a number of Egyptian Women led by the prominent feminism Goddess the heroine Nawal EL Saadawi and other activists. The project tackles their views and perspective on Womanhood , feminism and its intersectionality with other topics through a kaleidoscope of keywords, they reflect on different topics such as body, gender, activism, feminity, orientalism and etc....

I recommend supporting and promoting this project in which I played a little role in it and embraced from the beginning.

should you be interested  in more updates related to this project which I was involved in some of its translation and pre-interviews arrangements, follow its face book page


and This link for the official website:

Kindly check this page too, the project needs to be funded, support it or sponsor or promote it via this page


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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