Beyonce is bullshitting.. even her , she wants a piece of the Egyptian revolution `s cake!


 they all want to say that they were in favor of the revolution and sparked it .. attention seekers

 she is so contradicting and deserves to be calld stupid by Zahi other statement she said she was so appalled by walking down cairo streets at night and not finding any woman , and that it was all men. and now she says she caused a mini female uprising.


Beyonce says she started mini-uprising in Egypt

Aug 4th, 2011 | By | Category: Culture, Entertainment
LONDON and CAIRO: International music star Beyonce has sparked controversy in Egypt. She has claimed in a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK that she helped create a mini-uprising during a recent show in the country.
According to the star singer, she left the “menfolk less than pleased.”
“There were a lot of women in the audience in burkas,” said the 29-year-old.
“They were singing along to Irreplaceable – it was amazing! Some of the men got really upset.
“They were like to their women, ‘We have to get you out of here!’”
Ironically, despite promoter herself in the interview as a champion for women’s rights, she doesn’t want to be seen as a feminist, saying “I don’t really feel that it’s necessary to define it.
“It’s just something that’s kind of natural for me, and I feel like…you know…it’s, like, what I live for.
“I need to find a catchy new word for feminism, right? Like bootylicious,” she added.
Initial reaction in Cairo, however, is slightly perturbed by the woman who Egypt’s chief archaeologist Zahi Hawass has called “stupid.”
“What is this person?” asked Heba, a 23-year-old university student who said she was a “fan” of the singer. “I think it is ridiculous for anyone who comes to any place to sing and then claim these things. Maybe people just want to create attention.”


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