
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2018

عن العنف الذي نتعرض له لمجرد كوننا مثليين من قبل الأفراد

عن العنف الذي نتعرض له لمجرد كوننا مثليين من قبل الأفراد القضية التي سأتطرق أليها هنا لا تحدث فقط في مصر، نعم لدي الدراية الكافية بذلك حيث أنها تحدث في بلاد عديدة، ولكن وقعها يكون أقوى وأصعب إذا كنت تعيش في دولة عربية أو إسلامية أو أفريقية مما يزيد من معاناة مجتمع المثليين والمثليات والمتحولين/ والمتحولات جنسيا ومتغيري النوع الاجتماعي ومزدوجي الميول. وحيث أن دول العالم المتقدمة لا تجرم أو تضطهد الفئة المذكورة، فأنه يمكن لأي من يتعرض منهم للسرقة أو الإساءة الجنسية أن يقوم بالإبلاغ عن ما تعرض له للشرطة ولكن الأمر يختلف تماما إذا كنت تعيش في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. ومن هذا المنطلق، يعاني أفراد مجتمع ال م.م.م.م من الإساءة والاستغلال والانتهاكات الجنسية والجسدية دون أن يتمتعوا بالحق الأساسي في التوجه للشرطة والقضاء للمطالبة بالتعويض عن حقوقهم إلى جانب تعرضهم للوصم والتمييز مما يحول دون تحقيق العدالة ويثبط من عزيمتهم ويدفعهم للاستسلام والشعور بالقهر. أنا كشخص مثلي يعيش في مصر تحت ضعوط يومية، اعتدت التزام الصمت عن ما أتعرض له أنا وأقراني وأصدقائي من مآسي وانتها...

An Awful experience I went through yesterday... Still in awe.

Violence perpetuated against me by a non-state factor bully The issue addressed here is not only exclusive to Egypt as it happens in a lot of countries… But living in An Arab, African, and an Islamic country, makes the ordeal of LGBTQ community worse. Given that other countries that do not criminalize or discriminate the category in question, one could be subjected to robbery and sexual abuse, and go report it to the police. This is not the same case if you live in the MENA region. With that being said, members of the LGBTQ constantly suffer from abuse and violations along with being deprived from their right to resort to justice as a result of the stigma that smears them. As a gay guy living under daily pressure in Egypt, I have been silent for so many years about what I have been going through, about my peers’ misery and the abuse that was inflicted upon us. On the 9th of March, 2018, I was robbed by a man, who I trusted and thought that he is a trustworthy, r...


http://www.newsweek.com/male-escort-exposes-36-gay-priests-file-sent-vatican-containing-explicit-829968 MALE ESCORT EXPOSES 36 GAY PRIESTS IN FILE SENT TO VATICAN CONTAINING EXPLICIT WHATSAPP CHATS AND EROTIC PHOTOS BY  CHRISTINA ZHAO  ON 3/5/18 AT 6:16 AM A 1,200-page dossier containing the names of 34 "actively gay" priests and six seminarians in Italy has been sent to the Vatican by the archdiocese of Naples. The allegations were compiled by Francesco Mangiacapra, a gay male escort who told local media he couldn’t put up with the priests’ "hypocrisy" any longer. "The aim is not to hurt the people mentioned, but to help them understand that their double life, however seemingly convenient, is not useful to them or to all the people for whom they should be a guide and an example to follow," Mangiacapra said, as reported by the  Corriere della Sera . Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, an Italian Cardinal and the current Archbishop of Naples, said in a ...

More lunatics: Church leader claims ‘most’ gay people are Satanists and secretly control the economy

https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/03/05/church-leader-claims-most-gay-people-are-satanists-and-secretly-control-the-economy/?utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#link_time=1520289161 A popular Christian leader in Ghana has claimed that “most” gay people are Satanists. The claim comes from Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey, the former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.  Martey made the claims over the weekend while speaking at the Agape House New Testament Church, as noted by Patheos. He said: “It is a reproach — a disgrace — to a nation that sanctions homosexuality. “Listen… you see, the homosexuals are, most of them, are Satanists, and they control the economy of a nation. They have money.” He added: “You know, and these people are so militant that true Christians cannot withstand their militancy. “They employ every philosophical, scientific argument. You know, ‘it’s genetic, what has happened to us is genetic. We were born that...

EgyptAir Launches Two Flights with Full Women Crews

https://egyptianstreets.com/2017/03/23/egyptair-launches-two-flights-with-full-women-crews/ EGYPTIAN STREETS MARCH 23, 2017 EgyptAir has pioneered International Women’s and Mother’s days celebrations through launching two planes fully piloted by women crew members, for the first time. Minister of Civil Aviation Sherif Fathy has witnessed the take-off of the two flights from Cairo International Airport on Wednesday. The flights were heading to Abu Dhabi and Kuwait. The first flight, heading to Abu Dhabi, was piloted by Captain Hasnaa Taymour along with First Officer Sarah Abdel-Fattah, 10 flight attendants and two female security members. The second flight, heading to Kuwait, was piloted by Captain Heba Darwish along with First Officer Sarah Roshdy, five flight attendants, and two female security members. EgyptAir has pioneered International Women’s and Mother’s days celebrations through launching two planes fully piloted by women crew members, for the fir...

The Problem With RuPaul

https://medium.com/@Phaylen/the-problem-with-rupaul-34d393975579 The name RuPaul has become synonymous with Drag since he stepped out of the New York City clubkid scene and onto world stage in the 90's. He’s done it all, from having his own talk show on VH1, a successful music career, roles in pop culture and cult films like “The Brady Bunch,” and “Starrbooty.” He’s had his own perfume line, dolls, even candy bars. To say the man is a branding genius is a gross understatement. Suffice it to say, his most successful venture to date is unquestionably RuPaul’s Drag Race. It began as a little show with a low budget on a niche network you couldn’t even get in the midwest. Over 10 seasons, it grew into a monster hit, a cultural phenom that catapulted Drag into the Mainstream. The trajectory of Drag itself which had, until now, thrived mainly in gay bars around the world, found itself in the laps of 14 year old fangirls and teenage boys putting on mascara for the first time. It’s impa...