
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2017

Canada provides yet a great example of equality and correcting past mistakes:'Our collective shame': Trudeau delivers historic apology to LGBT Canadians

http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/homosexual-offences-exunge-records-1.4422546 'Our collective shame': Trudeau delivers historic apology to LGBT Canadians Prime Minister says state-sponsored laws, policies led to discrimination, violence and ruined lives By Kathleen Harris,  CBC News   Posted: Nov 28, 2017 11:22 AM ET  Last Updated: Nov 28, 2017 8:06 PM ET Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wipes his eye while he is applauded as he delivers a formal apology to LGBT people in Canada in the House of Commons in Ottawa, Tuesday, Nov.28, 2017. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a historic apology to LGBT Canadians in the House of Commons today, saying sorry for decades of "state-sponsored, systematic oppression and rejection." Speaking to a packed and emotional chamber, Trudeau expressed shame, sorrow and deep regret to the civil servants, military members and criminalized Canadians who endured discrimination and injustice ...

14 Men Have Been Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison for Homosexuality in Egypt

https://hornetapp.com/stories/egypt-gay-arrests/ Written by  Xavier Héraud   on  November 27, 2017 The AFP, quoted by  Le Monde , reports that “yesterday, a court in Cairo, Egypt, sentenced 14 allegedly homosexual men to three years’ imprisonment.” Homosexuality is not criminalized as such in Egypt, so the men were prosecuted for incitement to debauchery. “The court has authorized their release against the payment of a bond of 5,000 Egyptian pounds (about 230 euros) pending the trial on appeal,” said defense lawyer, Ishaq Wadie. Three other men could not be tried because of procedural problems. Their trial has been postponed. The Egyptian authorities launched  a crackdown on gay men following a concert of the Lebanese group Mashrou ‘Leila  — whose singer, Hamed Sinno — is openly gay. Since then, dozens of people have been arrested. Several parliamentarians then filed  a proposed law to criminalize homosexuality . Men and women who have sex wi...

عشرة أشياء يجب أن تعرفها عن أصدقائك الترانس

https://transatsite.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/عشرة-أشياء-يجب-أن-تعرفها-عن-أصدقائك-الت/ نحن نعاني طوال الوقت من العالم من حولنا، ولا يصح أن نعاني أيضاً من أصدقائنا. لذا، نلفت نظركم فقط إلى عدة نقاط بسيطة،كي لا تساهموا “من دون قصد” في معاناتنا، بالتأكيد أنتم لا تريدون ذلك (1) استخدموا الصيغة الصحيحة إسألوا أصدقائكم الترانس أي صيغة يستخدمون لأنفسهم. عادةً الترانس مان يستخدم صيغة المذكر، والترانس وومن تستخدم صيغة المؤنث. لكن هناك أشخاص ترانس يفضلون استخدام صيغة محايدة (للأسف العربية ليست كذلك). لذا، في هذه الحالة أيضاً، ببساطة اسألوهم أي صيغة يستخدمون، أو كيف يتعاملون مع هذا الأمر (فربما يستخدمون كليهما). لا بأس من السؤال إذا كنتم غير متأكدين، السؤال يعني أنكم تهتمون وتحترمون الشخص (2) احترموا قرارهم للعبور هذه هي حياتهم، وهذا قرار تطلب قوةً وشجاعةً وتفكيراً ووقتاً، هذا ليس قراراً اتخذ في يوم وليلة. عادة الأشخاص الترانس يمرون بمصاعب كثيرة ليدركوا هويتهم، ويتسائلون ويتصالحون معها، ويوثر ذلك على الثقة النفسية. لذلك، قرار العبور ليس “موضة” أو “قرار متسرع”، إنه الطريق للحرية...

Fear and paranoia grip Egypt’s LGBT community: ‘I want to be forgotten’

Fear and paranoia grip Egypt’s LGBT community: ‘I want to be forgotten’ http://abcnews.go.com/International/fear-paranoia-grip-egypts-lgbt-community-forgotten/story?id=51147008 By  BEN GITTLESON   Nov 15, 2017, 4:21 AM ET When the crackdown began, LGBT people across Egypt began dropping off dating apps, stopped meeting friends and charted their escape. As police in the conservative, Muslim country rounded up dozens of people over the past two months, intensifying their persecution of the country’s LGBT citizens, a wave of paranoia and fear swept over the community. In interviews with ABC News, half a dozen LGBT people in Egypt described feeling trapped and terrified that they, too, could end up imprisoned and tortured by the security services. For one 32-year-old man from Cairo, taking refuge in the desert seemed safest. Amid Egypt's LGBT crackdown, rights worker asks, 'Where is the crime in waving a flag at a concert?' LGBT activists arrested i...