
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2017

MP drafts homophobic law to jail LGBT people or ‘promoters’ in Egypt

MP drafts homophobic law to jail LGBT people or ‘promoters’ in Egypt http://www.egyptindependent.com/mp-drafts-homophobic-law-jail-lgbt-people-promoters-egypt/ In the wake of the Lebanese band Mashrou Leila’s concert in Egypt where some people raised rainbow flags, an unprecedented crackdown has taken place against the country’s LGBT community. As part of the homophobic trend, MP Ryad Abdel Sattar on Wednesday introduced to the parliament’s speaker Ali Abdel Aal a draft law entailing five main articles to criminalize homosexuality. The draft law would pave the way for strict punitive measures against the LGBT community in Egypt, in addition to restricting the presence of homosexuals inside Egyptian society, Abdel Sattar said in media statements dedicated to local outlets. The draft law has received approval from a number of the parliament’s members who asserted their readiness to approve it — the draft law is expected to be discussed inside the parliament after being rev...

United Nations LGBT rights expert warns of ‘global crisis’ as homophobic crackdowns continue

United Nations LGBT rights expert warns of ‘global crisis’ as homophobic crackdowns continue http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/10/27/united-nations-lgbt-rights-expert-warns-of-global-crisis-as-homophobic-crackdowns-continue/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PNT&utm_content=ND The UN’s independent LGBT human rights expert has warned of a brewing global crisis amid reports of homophobic purges in several countries. This year there have been a number of crackdowns against the gay community in a string of separate countries across the world. Human rights monitors in Russia have warned about a homophobic purge in the autonomous Chechnya region, with dozens of gay men reportedly killed by authorities and vigilantes while many others were forced to flee. More recently authorities in Egypt launched a crackdown on the gay community, sparked by a ‘moral panic’ over the waving of a rainbow flag at a music concert. Since the concert, Egyptian authorities began a ‘purge’ targe...

Moroccan human rights minister calls homosexuals ‘scum’

http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/10/18/moroccan-human-rights-minister-calls-homosexuals-scum/ Moroccan human rights minister calls homosexuals ‘scum’ 18 th  October 2017, 9:08 PM The Moroccan Minister for Human Rights, Mustapha Ramid, has received criticism, after he called homosexuals “scum” last month. Yesterday he refused to take back his words, justifying that his remarks were against homosexuality itself, rather than homosexual people. So not much better then. He first made the remarks after a meeting on torture prevention, when a journalist asked him for comment on the treatment of homosexuals in Morocco “Why are you asking me about homosexuality too?” Ramid asked. Trying to dismiss the journalist he continued “this is too much. Too much. It’s a shame that homosexuality has a value now. Why is everyone asking me about it?” He then described homosexuals with the insulting Arabic word “Awsakh,” which translates to trash, di...

Sweden to Host World's Largest Women-Only Music Festival in 2018

http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/dance/7990563/statement-festival-2018-women-only-sweden Sweden to Host World's Largest Women-Only Music Festival in 2018 Sweden's forthcoming Statement Festival is definitely saying something. The summer 2018 event will only allow cis women, non-binary and trans women to attend. No men are allowed. Statement Festival is a direct reaction to a rash of sexual assault and rape cases reported at Sweden's popular festivals Bråvalla and Putte I Parken. Bråvalla 2018 was canceled following 23 reported sexual assaults in 2017 alone. What started as a tweet from comedienne Emma Knyckare quickly gained traction, culminating in a Kickstarter to raise funds for a female-only festival. The Kickstarter outlines that, in Sweden, it is not illegal to exclude a group based on gender when the exclusion is made in "good intention," here giving female-identifiers a safe place to enjoy music in public. Now that the goal of 500,000 ...

Egypt imposes media blackout on LGBT community

http://www.egyptindependent.com/egypt-imposes-media-blackout-lgbt-community-members/ The Supreme Council for Media Regulation (SCMR) has released an order to ban all forms of support towards the LGBT community on media outlets Egypt’s Supreme Council for Media Regulation issued an order to ban all forms of promotion or sympathy towards the LGBT community on media outlets in addition to their appearance on media outlets. According to a statement released from the SCMR, homosexuality is considered a ‘shameful disease’ that should not be promoted through Egyptian media, moreover the statement said that it is only permissible for homosexual people to appear in the media to show repentance and admit their homosexuality as non-acceptable behavior. The head of SCMR, Makram Mohamed Ahmed, noted that these measures do not mean that the community should totally ignore the phenomenon; instead it should focus on how to end it by providing parents with the “appropriate ways of raising ...

Egypt 'escalates LGBT crackdown' after rainbow flag display

Egypt 'escalates LGBT crackdown' after rainbow flag display http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-41482001 Egyptian authorities have arrested at least 22 people in the past four days as part of a campaign against LGBT people, Amnesty International says. Thirty-two men and one woman have now been detained since rainbow flags were displayed at a pop concert in Cairo last month, according to activists. Anal examinations have been reportedly carried out on five of those arrested. The flag-raising provoked a public outcry and prompted the public prosecutor to order an investigation. Homosexuality is not explicitly criminalised under Egyptian law. But the authorities routinely arrest people suspected of engaging in consensual homosexual conduct on charges of "debauchery", "immorality" or "blasphemy". The raising of rainbow flags at the concert by the Lebanese band Mashrou' Leila - whose lead singer is openly gay - on 22 Septemb...

Update: Number of arrests in security crackdown on LGBTQ individuals rises to 57

https://www.madamasr.com/en/2017/10/03/news/u/prosecution-accuses-rainbow-flag-holders-of-joining-homosexual-groups-amid-crackdown-on-lgbtq-individuals/ Fifty seven people have been arrested on charges of “debauchery,” “inciting sexual deviancy” and “joining an outlawed group” amid the  continuing security crackdown  on Egypt’s LGBTQ community, according to the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR). The arrests, which have continued to escalate since a  group of people raised a rainbow flag  — a symbol of LGBTQ rights — at a Mashrou’ Leila concert in Cairo on September 22, have taken place nationwide, including the governorates of Cairo, Giza, Ismailia, Damietta and South Sinai. Of the 57 confirmed arrests, nine people have received prison sentences ranging from one to six years. Thirty five people are facing trial, while two individuals — Sarah Hegazy and Ahmed Alaa — have been detained for 15 days, pending further investigations into their...

Egypt escalates LGBTI crackdown with fresh wave of arrests and anal examinations

https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/10/egypt-escalates-lgbti-crackdown-with-fresh-wave-of-arrests-and-anal-examinations/ Egypt escalates LGBTI crackdown with fresh wave of arrests and anal examinations   2 October 2017, 16:36 UTC The Egyptian authorities have arrested 22 people over the past three days alone, stepping up a campaign of persecution against LGBTI people in the country which began after a rainbow flag was displayed at a Mashrou’ Leila concert in Cairo provoking a public outcry, Amnesty International said today. The arrests bring the total number of people who have been detained based on their perceived sexual orientation to 33 - 32 men and one woman - since the Public Prosecutor announced an investigation into the rainbow flag “incident” on 25 September. The Forensic Medical Authority has carried out anal examinations on at least five of those arrested.  “In a matter of days the Egyptian security forces have rounded up dozens of peop...

EIPR demands the immediate release of detainees and warns against violations in detention EIPR calls on the media to halt its hate speech and incitement against LGBTQI individuals

EIPR demands the immediate release of detainees and warns against violations in detention EIPR calls on the media to halt its hate speech and incitement against LGBTQI individuals Press Release Wednesday, 4 October, 2017 The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) condemns the ongoing crackdown targeting LGBTQI individuals, or those perceived to be, that began on September 22 after some audience members at a concert in Cairo raised the rainbow flag, known to symbolize sexual diversity and acceptance of all genders. Since the campaign began at least 57 individuals have been arrested in Cairo and a number of other governorates (the number now stands at 54). Little evidence exists to link the overwhelming majority of those arrested to the incident at the concert let alone the fact that the act itself is not punishable by law. Sexual relations between two consenting same-sex adults should  also not be considered a punishable offense. EIPR also condemns the lack of...

منظمات حقوقية تدين استهداف الأفراد بسبب ميولهم الجنسية ومن يُظَنُّ بهم المثلية وتستنكر الاستهانة بالدستور وانتهاك حقوق الأفراد في الخصوصية وسلامة الجسد

منظمات حقوقية تدين استهداف الأفراد بسبب ميولهم الجنسية ومن يُظَنُّ بهم المثلية وتستنكر الاستهانة بالدستور وانتهاك حقوق الأفراد في الخصوصية وسلامة الجسد بيان صحفي الاثنين, 9 أكتوبر, 2017 تعرب المنظمات الحقوقية الموقعة أدناه عن إدانتها الحملةَ الأمنية التي تشنها وزارة الداخلية ضد مثليي الجنس في الأساس وبعضٍ من عابرات الجنس وذلك على خلفية قيام بعضٍ من الشباب والشوابِّ برفع علم قوس قزح في حفل موسيقي يوم 22 سبتمبر الماضي، والتي قامت على أثرها قوات الشرطة بالقبض على 57 فردًا، يحاكم أغلبهم أمام محاكم الجنح الآن في القاهرة والجيزة بتهمٍ متعلقة "باعتياد الفجور" وأصدرت المحاكم أحكامًا في حق 10 منهم بالحبس من سنة إلى 6 سنوات، إلى جانب التحقيق مع ناشطة وناشط أمام نيابة أمن الدولة باتهامات تتعلق بحملهم العلمَ والانضمام إلى جماعة أسست على خلاف القانون، الغرض منها نشر "الشذوذ" واتهامات أخرى ذات صلة. يؤكد الموقعون أن طرق القبض على هؤلاء الأشخاص سواء من خلال التتبع الإلكتروني لمواقع التعارف والمواعدة أو من خلال ملاحقة الأفراد في الأماكن الصديقة للمثليين وأصحاب الميول وال...