
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2017

Proud Brit gay pop icons who ruled in the 80s

George Michael, Freddie Mercury & Elton John: How They Ruled the '80s British Pop Empire http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/magazine-feature/7647560/george-michael-freddie-mercury-elton-john-british-pop-empire The Live Aid concert at London’s Wembley Stadium on July 13, 1985, was, among other things, a time capsule of British pop at its imperial peak. It fell during a heady era when the entire bill could be British (or, in the case of  U2  and  Bob Geldof , Irish) without seeming parochial. The evening’s lineup featured three rejuvenated giants of the 1970s --  David Bowie ,  Elton John  and  Queen  -- and, for one song only, a young gun who had absorbed lessons from them all. Midway through John’s set, the singer introduced  George Michael , “this guy I admire very much,” and let him run away with “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.”  Michael was modeling the riff on young American manhood that he would make...