
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2016


Easier said than done! The UN body needs to find mechanisms to enforce or obligate the member States to implement its resolutions related to LGBT rights! Most of the Arab and Muslim countries do not comply with the resolutions and go along way in their violations and targeting of the LGBTIQ community! UN CALLS FOR WORLDWIDE DECRIMINALISATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY The report says that LGBT people face “violent abuse... and discrimination” in all regions. A new United Nations (UN) report has called for laws criminalising consensual same-sex sexual activity to be repealed around the world. In the  new report , UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein has said that LGBT people are victims of “pervasive violent abuse, harassment and discrimination” in all regions of the world, citing hundreds of hate-related killings, the  Guardian  reports. Mr al-Hussein added that, while progress has been made since the UN’s historic first repor...

Telegraph: Final appeal set for Pakistani Christian woman facing execution for blasphemy

This is horrendous and sad. Support is needed to help save the woman! Final appeal set for Pakistani Christian woman facing execution for blasphemy http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/07/final-appeal-set-for-pakistani-christian-woman-facing-execution/   Andrew Marszal ,  delhi     Mohammad Zubair Khan ,  islamabad   7 OCTOBER 2016 • 4:25PM A Christian woman facing execution for blasphemy in Pakistan has been granted her final chance to appeal next week, after the country’s supreme court set a date for  Asia Bibi’s last hearing . In a case that has gained international infamy, the mother-of-five from rural Punjab was convicted in 2010 for defaming the Prophet Mohammad during an argument with a group of Muslim women over a bowl of water. She has been on death row ever since. Appeals at lower courts have all failed, before the country's top court temporarily suspended her execution in July 2015. If Pakistan’s supre...

Great News: HIV cure close after disease 'vanishes' from blood of British man

A case has been cured, hope this brings more potential for a HIV therapy!  A British man could become the first person in the world to be  cured of HIV  using a new therapy designed by a team of scientists from five UK universities. The 44-year-old is one of 50 people currently trialing  a treatment which targets the disease even in its dormant state. Scientists told  The Sunday Times  that presently the virus is completely undetectable in the man’s blood, although that could be a result of regular drugs. However if the dormant cells are also cleared out it could represent the first complete cure. Trial results are expected to be published in 2018. "This is one of the first serious attempts at a full cure for HIV,” said Mark Samuels, managing director of the National Institute for Health Research Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure. “We are exploring the real possibility of curing HIV. This is a huge challen...

Polish women go on nationwide strike against proposed abortion ban

Polish women go on nationwide strike against proposed abortion ban https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/10/03/polish-women-go-on-nationwide-strike-against-proposed-abortion-ban/ LONDON — Women all over Poland went on strike Monday to protest the government's plans for a ban on abortions. It was unclear how many women participated nationally, but organizers estimated that up to 6 million women joined in the protest, according to news  reports . Some protesters wore black clothes as they marched through the streets on "Black Monday." There were counter-demonstrations, as well, with antiabortion protesters marching in white clothes to distinguish themselves from their ideological opponents. Poland's abortion laws are already among Europe's strictest. Women are allowed to have an abortion only if the pregnancy is due to incest or rape, or if the life of the pregnant woman or the fetus...