
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2016


http://www.cairoscene.com/ArtsAndCulture/Homosexuality-on-the-Silver-Screen-Is-Egyptian-Cinema-Ahead-of-the-Age#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=57c4d29799633404&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1 A very interesting article on how the issue of "Homosexuality" is addressed in the Egyptian Cinema. It's really positive and a good precursor that an independent Egyptian media outlet sheds light on such a topic in philanthropic approach. : HOMOSEXUALITY ON THE SILVER SCREEN: IS EGYPTIAN CINEMA AHEAD OF THE AGES? 25/08/2015 13:34 Emad El-Din Aysha puts an academic eye on recurrent themes revolving around homosexuality and its purported psychology in Egyptian film, comparing it to its Western counterparts through the ages. It’s amazing what you can find out about something without even trying. I accidentally downloaded a hard-hitting Egyptian movie about homosexuality thinking it was a light-hearted comedy, dredging up all sorts of interesting insights alo...

مؤسسة نظرة تطلق حملة "هي والمنصة" لدعم تولي النساء المناصب القضائية في مصر

نظرة للدراسات النسوية انطلاق حملة "هي والمنصة" بيان صحفي 28 أغسطس 2016 تعلن نظرة للدراسات النسوية ومؤسسة قضايا المرأة المصرية عن انطلاق حملة "هي والمنصة" التي تهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على إشكالية غياب النساء عن العديد من المناصب القضائية، مما يعد إخلالاً بمبدأ تكافؤ الفرص وانتهاكاً لاستحقاقات النساء الدستورية التي تتضمن مشاركتهن في دوائر صنع القرار على وجه العموم، وخاصة في تولي جميع المناصب القضائية. تهدف الحملة إلى وضع هذه القضية على قائمة الأولويات السياسية الحالية من قبل مختلف الفاعلين داخل مؤسسات الدولة والهيئات والجهات القضائية وكذلك مجلس النواب والمجتمع. وتأتي أهمية هذه القضية من أن هناك ضرورة لتمكين النساء من الحصول على حقوقهن الدستورية مثل الوصول إلى منصة القضاء والتي تقف أبوية المؤسسات القضائية حائلاً ضدهن في تحقيق ذلك، كما أن هناك ضرورة لتدخل النواب والنائبات في هذه القضية بدورهم التشريعي والرقابي الهام في هذا المجال. وجدير بالذكر أن مسألة وجود النساء في المناصب القضائية هو أمر يحدث بصورة منتقاه الآن من قبل المجلس الأعلى للقضاء و...

«الإندبندنت»: الشرطة المصرية تصطاد المثليين عبر «جريندر»

نصيحة للمواطنين المثليين خصوصا مستخدمي تطبيق الجرايندر وغيره  توخي الحذر ليس فقط بسبب مخاطر  الكمين البوليسي بس دا كمان في ناس بتنتحل صور ناس تانية وتنزل تقابل وتكتشف الحقيقة وممكن يبقوا حرامية او ستريتات عاوزين يستغلوا المثليين وفي اسوأ الظروف لو مش سرقة او بلطجة هيبقا فضايح وتشهير وابتزاز مادي ممكن! وكمان ممكن يبقا شرطة معرفش من قلة المشاكل المجتمعية في مصر مفيش غير المثليين اللي لازم يتم القبض عليهم  عشان كدا لازم توخي الحذر بلاش تحط صور وشك كاملة على البروفايل ومتشاركهاش مع الشخص غير  لما يبعت كام صورة لنفسه ويفضل تتكلموا ببرنامج فيه كاميرا زي السكايب ودا برضو مش امثل اسلوب للامان لان في ناس شاطرة تقدر تجاريك وتخليك تثق فيها لحد ما يوصلوا للي عاوزينه ولازم تتكلموا في حاجات كتير وكذا مرة قبل او مقابلة والمقابلة الاولى في مكان عام  واجادة الانجليزية مش هي العامل الوحيد لان الشخص يستريح للي بيكلمه الشرطة او الاشخاص اللي عاوزة تستهدف المثليين ممكن يتكلموا انجليزي وفرنساوي كمان وكويس ويعملوا نفسهم اجانب مثلا بصور موديل من الانترنت ويحبذ عمل باسوورد لل...

Recommended:LGBT IN THE EGYPTIAN COMMUNITY: GRAPHIC DESIGNER NORA KHORSHID TAKES ON THE TABOO TOPIC 02/08/2016 08:34 Graphic designer Nora Khorshid approaches one of the most controversial topics in Egypt and asks the question: Why are people gay?

LGBT IN THE EGYPTIAN COMMUNITY: GRAPHIC DESIGNER NORA KHORSHID TAKES ON THE TABOO TOPIC 02/08/2016 08:34 Graphic designer Nora Khorshid approaches one of the most controversial topics in Egypt and asks the question: Why are people gay? 02/08/2016 08:34 Graphic designer Nora Khorshid approaches one of the most controversial topics in Egypt and asks the question: Why are people gay? With her infograph of controversial designs about homosexuality and how the Egyptian society views it, 21-year-old graphic designer Nora Khorshid asks, “Why do people from different cultural, religious, and social backgrounds identify as LGBT?” Khorshid, still being a GUC student started her project two years ago when she was asked to start a Cairo campaign, and being the challenging person that she is, she decided to talk homophobia. “ Shawaz? Yakhy dool nas mareeda! ” is only a snippet of the gruesome comments that the Egyptian LGBT community faces frequently, which K...

Turkey transgender activist's death highlights rise in hate crimes

Turkey LGBT rights Gay Pride Europe       http://www.france24.com/en/20160819-turkey-lgbt-trasgender-activist-death-highlights-rise-hate-crimes-hande-kader?ns_campaign=reseaux_sociaux&ns_source=FB&ns_mchannel=social&ns_linkname=editorial&aef_campaign_ref=partage_user&aef_campaign_date=2016-08-19 Text by Nicole TRIAN Latest update : 2016-08-19 A widespread crackdown on dissent is fuelling tension across Turkey, which has seen a rise in hate crimes against minorities – including a recently reported attack against a well-known transgender activist in Istanbul. Turkey’s Daily Sabah reported that the badly burnt and mutilated body of Hande Kader, a 22-year-old LGBT activist and sex worker, was found on August 8 by the roadside in a residential area of Istanbul. Although DNA evidence has yet to confirm the remains belong to Kader, the director of a gay rights group said her boyfriend and some friends had positively identified the body. Emi...

Transgender not a mental illness. United Nations confirms

Good news indeed, It is a great day for LGBTIQ+, specially for transgender people. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is finally going to declassify transgender identity as a mental disorder, as it updates its category of mental illnesses for the first time in decades. The body, which is the public health agency of the United Nations (UN), is considering making the change in a revised categorisation of mental and behavioural disorders to be released in 2018. Overwhelming evidence,  as well as recent studies  show that gender dysphoria is a genetical condition and not a mental disorder. For a community that is reliant on medical care, this declassification represents a great breakthrough in the way transgender patients will begin to be treated worldwide, as well as how institutions will begin to accomodate transgender people. “It’s sending a very strong message that the rest of the world is no longer considering it a mental disorder,” clinical psychiatrist Michael F...

Alicia Keys explains 'empowering' decision to stop wearing make up

'One of the many things I was tired of was the constant judgement of women,' says Keys http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/alicia-keys-explains-empowering-decision-to-stop-wearing-make-up-a7064186.html?cmpid=facebook-post Alicia Keys  has shunned the intense pressures placed on women in the public eye, and women in general, by choosing to stop wearing make-up. The pressures to conform to typical airbrushed beauty standards in the entertainment industries are being met with a steady rebuttal. The rise of models who vary in size, the high-profile women calling out publications for Photoshopping them and the amount of women in the public eye posting pictures of them not wearing any make up are all testament to this.  Keys has now joined the latter movement. Penning an essay for Lena Dunham  and Jenni Konner’s feminist newsletter,  Lenny , the “Fallin” singer discusses her decision, a decision she credits as being one of the most empowering ones she’s ...

The Egyptian Mufti courting the West!

His statements would have been appreciated much more and sounded more credible if he made them in Egypt. This is sugar-coated and definitely hypocritical to assuage the west. Those kind of clerics state something else back in their homeland that contradicts their rosy statements to the west.  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/08/02/leading-egyptian-cleric-says-harming-gays-is-unacceptable-but-homosexuality-still-a-sin/ A leading Egyptian religious leader has condemned harming gays but still believes homosexuality is a sin. Egypt’s grand mufti has said that hurting LGBT people is unacceptable even though homosexuality is not allowed in Islam. In an interview with the German publication Süddeutsche Zeitung, Grand Mufti Shawki Allam condemned the Orlando massacre  and any other attacks against the LGBT community. Mr Allam said, “Yes, it is religiously not allowed and not accepted practice in Islam. But that does not give anyone the right to hurt homosexuals or ...

Positive and Inspiring gesture by the World's only openly gay Prime Minister!

http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/08/05/worlds-only-openly-gay-prime-minister-visits-orlando-to-pay-respects/ World’s only openly gay Prime Minister visits Orlando to pay respects   The Prime Minister of Luxembourg, the only current openly gay world leader, has visited the site of the Orlando Massacre. Xavier Bettel is only the third out person to lead a country, following on from ex-Belgian leader Elio Di Rupo and Iceland’s former PM Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir. Given his currently-unique role, Mr Bettel paid a poignant visit to Orlando this week with his husband, on the way to Rio for the Olympic Games. Mayor of Orlando Buddy Dyer took them to the site of the Pulse nightclub, where a semi-permanent tribute now stands with flowers and photographs of the victim. The Mayor tweeted: “The world still stands with Orlando. Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel visited today to offer condolences.” 49 people were killed and more than 50 were injured in the ...

The hatred and Homophobic-driven crimes occur even in Europe!!!

Fuck this damned world!! Crime Bisexual 15-year-old felt ‘a prisoner in his own home’ as hate attack leaves him with broken bones http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/08/05/bisexual-15-year-old-made-a-prisoner-in-his-own-home-as-hate-attack-leaves-him-with-broken-bones/ A bisexual 15-year-old has shared his story after being brutally beaten in a suspected hate attack. Jamie Watson said he felt his attackers would kill him in the attack which left him with broken ribs, a fractured arm and a bloodied face. The schoolboy was attacked by three young people in Birmingham who made homophobic comments. The incident was called “truly horrendous” by West Midlands Police, who have appealed for information in the attack which took place in broad daylight at 3.30pm on 22 July. Mr Watson, who recently came out as bi, told the Birmingham Mail: “The assault lasted five minutes. I was punched and fell to the ground, where I was kicked and punched all over my body including my h...

Sadly, Crimes against LGBT continues in the Middle East /Terrorist Islamic world

Gay Syrian refugee found beheaded, mutilated in Turkey (CNN)A gay refugee living in Turkey has been found murdered, his body so mutilated his friends could only identify him by his pants, a local rights group said. Wisam, who arrived in Istanbul about a year ago after fleeing Syria, went missing on July 23 and was found two days later in the city's Yenikapi district. He previously had been threatened, kidnapped and raped, according to Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (KAOS GL), a Turkey-based rights group. CNN is not using the victim's last name out of concern for his family's safety. "We identified him from his pants... They had cut (him) so violently. So violent that two knives had broken inside him. They had beheaded him. His upper body was beyond recognition," said one friend, whom CNN is not naming for safety reasons. "If you saw his body, if you even saw a picture of it, you would faint," said anothe...