
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2016

Men have been having sex since the dawn of time.

THE BLOG It’s Just a Bro-Job. No Homo. Photo by  Adolfo Tigerino Originally Published on  Substance Does Having Sex With Men Make You Gay? Men have been having sex since the dawn of time. And no, I don’t mean with women, I mean with other men. Dispute this all you want, make claims of biblical proportions, but it is a well documented fact that man-on-man sex is not new. However, sexual identifiers (i.e. gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, etc.,) are: These terms are all rather modern when compared with the number of years that homo sapiens have been mating, without labels, with one another. So why have the more recent generations found a need to compartmentalize into neat, tidy little boxes, those who are anything other than heterosexual? For the most part it is to connect with a community of people who are empathetic and understanding of each other. But, when it comes to the long practiced tradition of straight men having sex with other men, there seems to ...