
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2015

مقالة هامة لدعاء سلطان عن الحقيرة ريهام سعيد ، وعن الجرائم الإعلامية المنتشرة حاليا في مصر

دعاء سلطان تكتب: ريهام سعيد.. كيف امسح بكرامتك الأرض دون أن البس قضية سب وقذف؟  التاريخ :  الأربعاء أكتوبر 28, 2015 فى 10:05 ص    الكاتب :  دعاء سلطان http://www.za2ed18.com/%D8%AF%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AA%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A8-%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AD-%D8%A8%D9%83/ مقدمة: إذا شئتم اعتباري من أعداء نجاح الإعلامية ريهام سعيد.. فإشطة.. أنا من أعداء نجاحها. وإذا قررتم أنني اغير من طلتها البهية.. فلن أجادلكم.. ماشي.. اعتبروا أنني اغير من طلتها. وإذا حكمتم بأنني أكرهها.. فطبعا أنا لا أكرهها أبدا، ولكني امقت أداءها وامقت كل القيم التي تمثلها. وإذا قلتم لي إن ريهام سعيد تساعد المرضى وتجمع التبرعات للمحتاجين، فقول معروف ومغفرة.. خير من صدقة يتبعها أذى، والله غني حليم.. ولا أذى يعادل أن تقدم المعروف وتذل السائل المحتاج (راجعوا ما فعلته مع اللاجئين السوريين، وما يتعرض له الأطفال المرضى الذين تعالجهم هم وأهاليهم من عرض لحالاتهم على رؤوس ا...

The one and only Iconic Feminist Diva in Egypt...Nawal Saadawi, long live! all hail the queen...her interview with the Guardian Oct, 2015!

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/oct/11/nawal-el-saadawi-interview-do-you-feel-you-are-liberated-not http://www.cairolive.com/zahma/?p=35102 Nawal El Saadawi , the great Egyptian feminist and writer, lives on the 26th floor of a biscuit-coloured Cairo tower block about half an hour by car from Tahrir Square. Built in the 1990s, it seems much older, its forbidding brutalist exterior sprayed with wonky satellite dishes and precarious air conditioning units, its stifling lift threatening at every floor to judder permanently to a halt. “No, I am not rich,” she notes, waving an arm in the gloom of her book-lined sitting room, which is shuttered against the noonday heat. But then, since when were dissident writers in it for the money, especially in Eygpt, where copyright is, to put it mildly, tricky to enforce? “Publishers have always taken from me!” she says, her voice rising indignantly. “But still, I am privileged even though I’m poor. I am in the 5%. I have an apartment an...

That`s the least we would get when the UN allows Saudi to have a seat at the human rights council!

The International Community stands complicit with this awful so-called state! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/saudi-arabia-protests-inclusion-of-gay-rights-in-un-development-agenda_560841bbe4b0af3706dcaafe?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000014 Saudi Arabia Protests Inclusion Of Gay Rights In UN Development Agenda Saudi Arabia is protesting any references to homosexuality in a sweeping new agenda for global development, saying it runs "counter to Islamic law." Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir told a U.N.  summit  of world leaders Sunday that "mentioning sex in the text, to us, means exactly male and female. Mentioning family means consisting of a married man and woman." He asserted his country's right to not follow any rules that relate to any "deviations" from that belief as the world moves forward on the new development agenda. The so-called Sustainable Development Goals include a target to ensure universal access to sexual and re...

This article says it all! LGBT are present and exist remarkably throughout history

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sarah-prager/every-lgbtq-person-should_b_8232316.html Sarah Prager   Become a fan Founder and Director of Quist Email Every LGBTQ+ Person Should Read This Dearest Queer Person, Chances are you don't even know that you are holy, or royal or magic, but you are. You are part of an adoptive family going back through every generation of human existence. Long before you were born, our people were inventing incredible things. Gifted minds like the inventor of the computer Alan Turing and aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont live on in you. The imprint that bold and brilliant individuals like Lynn Conway and Martine Rothblatt (both transgender women alive today) made on modern technology is impossible deny as present-day engineers carry their torch in the creation of robots and microprocessors. More recently speaking, one of the co-founders of Facebook publicly acknowledged his identity as a gay man, as did the current CEO of Apple. ...